What is Energy Medicine?
I found the following description of Energy Medicine/Psychology/Healing on healthtree.com.
"Energy Medicine accepts that energy flows throughout the body in well-defined patterns. When energy is flowing freely, the body, mind and spirit are balanced and healthy. But when blockages occur, physical, psychological and spiritual distress can result. The goal of Energy Medicine is to remove blockages and encourage energy to flow again along specific meridians in the body."
Blockages and defenses occur when we experience the external life force energy/charge as overwhelming and we bind the energy in a particular chakra. Chakras, according to Anodea Judith, are energy centers (situated along the spine of the body) that are responsible for receiving, assimilating and expressing life force energy. Judith states that the chakras have a strong effect on the body as they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane. The activities in the different chakras influence our glandular processes, body shape, chronic physical ailments, thoughts and behaviour. (Refer to “Eastern Body, Western Mind” by Anodea Judith)
How then do we unblock/release/heal a particular chakra?
The following interventions have shown to have an impact on the chakras:
Movement, abdominal breathing, yoga postures, visualization, meditation, bioenergetics, colour, essential oils, sound, mantras, crystals etc.
However, we have to be knowledgable on the respective chakras in order to choose the appropriate intervention accordingly.
In the therapeutic setting I listen to your dominant problematic story as well as the wishes you have for yourself in terms of changing the current problematic story.
Energy Medicine allows me to also view (together with yourself) your Bioenergetic character structure. Last mentioned refers to how you have shaped your body around life experiences stored in the body. How we hold our body, our behaviour together with our body character is highly likely to be linked to the problematic life story that we feel stuck in.
It is possible to establish certain shifts/changes through narrative therapy conversation. Because we are not only mind it will benefit our mental shifts if we are able to move the energetic blockages that challenges within the problematic life story might have established (or vice versa). Bioenergetics (Energy Medicine) works to unblock the energy, reinstating the natural flow, thus softening the tissues and simultaneously expanding the mind (Judith, 2004).
I also incorporate ideas from Core Energetics that focuses on dissolving the defenses that keep us from our core experiences.
Therapeutic interactions with me allow for spiritual evolvement experiences both in mind and body. You will leave feeling enlightened and liberated. Initially you might not have the language to reiterate your enlightening experience until such time that your holistic being has been able to integrate it all.